May 10, 2023
Cincinnati, OH - Twenty-five of Hamilton County’s top public school educators were recognized on Friday, May 5, 2023, at the 14th Annual Celebrate Excellence Educator Recognition ...

May 9, 2023
The Mt. Healthy City School District offers a food pantry that is open to all households within the district. The food provided comes from partnerships with organizations such as ...

May 8, 2023
We had an amazing time at the Early Learning Center with Dr. Brooke from the Realeyes Program! The Realeyes Program, in partnership with an optometrist from Children's Hospital, c...

May 5, 2023
We are thrilled to announce that the 2nd grade classes at North Elementary have successfully hatched 33 chickens! 🎉🐣
For 21 days, our amazing students diligently flipped the eg...

May 4, 2023
We have some exciting news to share! Teacher Julie Wakefield's classroom has welcomed some new friends - 6 adorable chicks from Tikkun Farm!
Over the next few weeks, students w...

May 3, 2023
Around 30 fifth and sixth graders from North and South, along with their teachers Christine Smith, Elizabeth Morelli & Lisa Smith, participated in STEM Day at UC. They represented...

May 3, 2023
We had a special guest, Ben Adams, a 2005 Mt. Healthy graduate, come speak to the South Bicycle Club. Ben shared his passion for cycling and his commitment to support the National...

May 2, 2023
Thank you to everyone who attended the Spring Ed/Arts Fair at Mt. Healthy City Schools! We had an incredible turnout and the event was a huge success. We loved seeing so many memb...

May 1, 2023
Mt. Healthy City Schools would like to express their gratitude to all of their administrative professionals for their hard work and dedication. These individuals are the backbone ...

May 1, 2023
On Thursday, April 20th, the ELC hosted a multicultural celebration representing China and Mexico. Artifacts from both countries were displayed for families to view. Students and ...

April 29, 2023
Becky Brooks, our district treasurer, has received the Regional Distinguished Service Award for the Southwest Region from the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO)...

April 28, 2023
Sign up for 5th Grade Band using the link or QR code in flyer!

April 28, 2023
At the end of March, we reviewed our attendance data and found that 816 students (28.16%) had a 95% or better attendance rate for the year! To achieve this level, a student must m...

April 25, 2023
Greetings Mt. Healthy City Schools community!
We are excited to announce that the annual Golf-A-Rama event is just around the corner! Join us on Sunday, June 11th, 2023, at Fai...

April 24, 2023
At Mt. Healthy High School, there is a class offered that is quite unique compared to the usual lineup of math, science, and history courses. It is called "Telling Your Truth" and...
April 24, 2023
"Ohio students grades kindergarten through 12th grade now qualify for $1,000 to help pay for educational extracurricular school activities." Please see the link below for more inf...

April 21, 2023
Over the course of the last several months, secondary teachers Kellie Brown, Anna Bryant, Scott Heflin, Jessica Holland, Nick Khoury, Jon Moore, Samantha Pickens, Miranda Pikaart,...

April 20, 2023
Congratulations to our awesome fourth, fifth, and sixth grade Math Pentathlon Club members from Mt. Healthy South and Mt. Healthy North Elementary Schools who competed in the full...

April 13, 2023
Attention Parents and Guardians!
The Mt. Healthy City School District is excited to announce that we are applying for a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant to expand l...

April 12, 2023
Exciting news from the Mt. Healthy City School District! Our high school students in the Early IT Program recently traveled to the University of Cincinnati for the UCIT Expo, and ...