Horacio Sanchez
Horacio Sanchez
Attendance Facts
Chris Simmons Sr., Diyral Briggs, and Scott Smith
taste of grace volunteers and christine smith
students by the Cincy Book Bus
Congratulations: Imani Robinson and Ava Grandison
Reminder: Early Dismissal on 12/14 & 12/15
Honoring Our Heroes: North Elementary's Heartwarming Veterans Day Celebration
​South Elementary's Selfies with Santa​ When: December 9th  Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm  Location: South Elementary - 1743 Adams Rd. Cincinnati OH 45231  What: We are welcoming you to Selfies with Santa for pictures with Santa. In addition the South Sonic Musical Performance will be at 11am. There will be pizza and crafts for all to enjoy!